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I Kissed a Dog Carol Van Atta 9781936185726 Books

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I Kissed a Dog Carol Van Atta 9781936185726 Books

I Kissed A Dog starts off strong and finishes the same way. Cliffhanger alert, but this books characters will make it worth it for you to read the next book.
We start off with the lead woman, Chloe, she is a strong female lead. She has a talent that allows her to communicate with animals, making her a bit of an oddity. Chloe is a very funny character. She is believable, and that, to me, hooks me! The alpha male is Zane is a super hunky vet sent to help out and figure out why people are being murdered. It is obvious that he has an attraction to Chloe from the first time they are formally introduced!
Carol Van Atta writes in a way that is easy to read and keeps the reader interested in what will happen next. While there are a lot of books in the genre, this book uses old ideas, new ideas and some mythology too. Mystery, drama, love...all in this book! Can't wait to read book 2!!

Read I Kissed a Dog Carol Van Atta 9781936185726 Books

Tags : I Kissed a Dog [Carol Van Atta] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Chloe Carpenter isn't like other women. She can communicate with animals. A gift she unwrapped following one of her frequent dances with death. In her otherwise wacky life,Carol Van Atta,I Kissed a Dog,Charles River Press,1936185725,Fantasy,Fantasy - General,Fiction - Fantasy,Fiction Fantasy General,i kissed a dog; she kissed a vampire; carol van atta; charles river press; fantasy

I Kissed a Dog Carol Van Atta 9781936185726 Books Reviews

Ok, it has to be said, i think i loved this book from the start! Books that start great normally end up being great, and this was. I totally enjoyed it!

Chloe is our female for the books journey. She has a special "gift" (or pain in the ass- depending what day it is!). She works at the local wildlife farm, where she uses her gift - she can talk to animals. Yup, you read right - she can talk telepathically to them, which is a great asset for the job - she can ask why they're agitated, what the pains are, what they can see.
Which when a series of murders at Plum Beach start to occur and the animals get spooked.

Chloe are suddenly given a partner to work with at the zoo, which she REALLY doesn't want. Dr Zane Marshal is one hunk of a fella, and she is instantly attracted to him, but refuses to give in to it. Suddenly she hears a thought - a thought about her - an looks to Zane who frowns....and suddenly she can feel barriers slamming down.

She eventually accepts Zane but when out for a drink one night, she can sense 4 animals/creatures outside the bar. Zane tells her to stay in the bar an he goes out......but Chloe doesn't stay in the bar, and comes out to see 5 wolfmen fighting viciously. Puzzled, she stares...the one left looks are her...and runs.

Oh my the floodgates open as she discovers Zane is a werewolf....actually taking it quite well, she asks about other bump in the nights to be told they're real....

The murders need to be solved, and Zane and Chloe both believe the woman pledged to marry Zane when they were pups is involved with them.....
Zane taking advantage of Chloe's inebriated state marries her in Vegas in a shotgun wedding, claiming he took her virginity and Chloe is horrified. Zane has had a mark appear that only shows when their true mate is met. It appeared with Chloe, and Zane needed to make her his to protect her. An ancient Vampire has his eyes and teeth already on her. Jazmine too is eager for Chloe's blood.
Chloe however is mortified that she lost her virginity on her WEDDING night, she refuses to speak to Zane.....

Oh, so many things happen that make this book just a brilliant read.... i fear if i carry on with each individual event ill be writing an essay...

Needless to say, i LOVED this book, i loved the way it was written, i loved the characters and looking forward to the rest of the series....totally recommended if you're a big fan of paranormal romance/mystery!

Read on behalf of bewitching tours in return for an honest review
A very good read one that I couldnt put down. After getting over the title lol read it in less than a day. Cant wait till She Kissed a Vampire to come out!!!!!!!!
I found the editing errors too distracting to really enjoy the book. The chapter numbering quickly jumped into the thousands and random "Hewlett-Packard Company" headers made me wonder if the plot setting was supposed to be company headquarters.
This book is a well done work of fiction. I got it and started it. It took a couple of hours, but I read straight through. The characters of Chloe and Zane are good together and I can't wait to read more about them.
This is the first book that I have read from Carol Van Atta. As soon as I started reading it I was hooked. She is an awesome writer and the story is easy to follow. I could not put the book down from the time it arrived and finished it in one weekend. The character development was outstanding and very well done. If you are a twilight, vampire diaries, or true blood fan you will love this book. I cannot wait for the second book to come out and will be recommending it to all my friends and family.
Was enjoying this book a lot, and everything was great - and then 20 pages before the end, you get a horrible resolution, horrible people come out on top, and there's a giant cliff-hanger. Except there is one problem - the advance for the next book makes it appear that it will be about other people - so there will probably be NO resolution of this cliff hanger. Bleh. Total waste of time - I really resent being manipulated by writers this way.
For me, I Kissed a Dog is one of the most thrilling, entertaining, and mysterious reads of 2012! From beginning to end, I couldn't get enough of this story.

Atta takes us into the life of Chloe Carpenter-a beautiful, smart woman that is talented in more ways than one. And although a bit stubborn and strong willed, underneath the outgoing, witty exterior, she is real, shares the same fears as any regular person, and struggles with figuring out who she is and what she wants.

Chloe's abilities land her smack dab in the middle of supernatural chaos taking place between a number of paranormal beings. Between the sexy, rugged, protective werewolf Zane, and the seductive, allusive vampire Valamir, Chloe has her hands more than full. But her man worries are only the beginning of her problems as she finds herself entangled in more than she bargained for when a mystery begins to unfold.

A plot thick with many layers, a ton of enticing characters that you can't help but love, and alpha males galore(literally and figuratively), I Kissed a Dog is a novel you should put on your must read list!

5 stars! And that's only because the scale doesn't go any farther! I couldn't put it down!
I Kissed A Dog starts off strong and finishes the same way. Cliffhanger alert, but this books characters will make it worth it for you to read the next book.
We start off with the lead woman, Chloe, she is a strong female lead. She has a talent that allows her to communicate with animals, making her a bit of an oddity. Chloe is a very funny character. She is believable, and that, to me, hooks me! The alpha male is Zane is a super hunky vet sent to help out and figure out why people are being murdered. It is obvious that he has an attraction to Chloe from the first time they are formally introduced!
Carol Van Atta writes in a way that is easy to read and keeps the reader interested in what will happen next. While there are a lot of books in the genre, this book uses old ideas, new ideas and some mythology too. Mystery, drama, love...all in this book! Can't wait to read book 2!!
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