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∎ Libro Free The Heidelberg Ghost A Sweet Paranormal Romance Haunted Love Book 1 edition by Nickie Cochran Paranormal Romance eBooks

The Heidelberg Ghost A Sweet Paranormal Romance Haunted Love Book 1 edition by Nickie Cochran Paranormal Romance eBooks

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Download PDF The Heidelberg Ghost A Sweet Paranormal Romance Haunted Love Book 1  edition by Nickie Cochran Paranormal Romance eBooks

The Heidelberg Ghost A Sweet Paranormal Romance Haunted Love Book 1 edition by Nickie Cochran Paranormal Romance eBooks

kindle unlimited well 1 & 2 but NOT the prequel which is ridiculous when they do that, even more so when book 2 doesn't have anything to do with the prequel/#1 but they do have to do with each other, then with 1 at least the small amount of German is used incorrectly with terms of endearment, etc, and the blurbs are totally not how the story started/dragged out first chapter or 2 i.e. filler but get all sorts of SPOILERS just by reading the blurb although again it's not really correct but enough to mess it all up, get couple after couple falling for each other BOOM no real reason, all sorts of unnecessary stupid backstory, lots of unnecessary complications that shouldn't be complications that are hey BOOM fixed all the sudden after being dragged out unnecessarily, and plot holes all over the place as to who and who can not {and when} see him, and to top that mess off seems to want 2 series names, got it on freebie day and want my TIME BACK

''Do You Spook German?' series
(Haunted Love)
prequel Human Circle
The Heidelberg Ghost
The Shadow of His Past

Read The Heidelberg Ghost A Sweet Paranormal Romance Haunted Love Book 1  edition by Nickie Cochran Paranormal Romance eBooks

Tags : The Heidelberg Ghost: A Sweet Paranormal Romance (Haunted Love Book 1) - Kindle edition by Nickie Cochran. Paranormal Romance Kindle eBooks @,ebook,Nickie Cochran,The Heidelberg Ghost: A Sweet Paranormal Romance (Haunted Love Book 1),Mountain Whisper Publishing,Fiction Ghost,Fiction Romance Paranormal

The Heidelberg Ghost A Sweet Paranormal Romance Haunted Love Book 1 edition by Nickie Cochran Paranormal Romance eBooks Reviews

I loved this book. I was born in Heidelberg and to me it is a magical city. The story line was wonderful,I loved the characters..... so sad the story is over
This book really makes you feel that same kind of love and tingly feeling of love that the characters are experiencing in such few words, I love it. It is such a charming book and I recommend it for anyone who loves charming stories, romance stories, and especially to anyone who has also been to Heidelberg as well.

I love this book!
What a fun Romantic story about Andi and her ghost lover Volker. I could hardly put my ebook down !


I know
This book was one I finished in one sitting. It was light hearted and intriguing enough that the flow wouldn't let me put it down I'm not adding anything in the book as it might spoil it for others though funny.
This is a sweet and well written book.I really enjoyed reading it.
I liked the storyline. This is a nice read. I liked the German setting, since I lived in Germany too. I knew some of the places Nickie talked about in the book. It was fun reading the small amount of German Nickie uses in the book too.
Plot was well thought out, no real highs or suspenseful events here. Worth the read for a slower change of pace.
Absolutely loved this book and it was hard to put down between reads! I have always enjoyed time travel books, but this book was so much more! Don’t even hesitate, but include this book, and its author, in your list of favorites as I have done! Now off to find the next book in this series!
kindle unlimited well 1 & 2 but NOT the prequel which is ridiculous when they do that, even more so when book 2 doesn't have anything to do with the prequel/#1 but they do have to do with each other, then with 1 at least the small amount of German is used incorrectly with terms of endearment, etc, and the blurbs are totally not how the story started/dragged out first chapter or 2 i.e. filler but get all sorts of SPOILERS just by reading the blurb although again it's not really correct but enough to mess it all up, get couple after couple falling for each other BOOM no real reason, all sorts of unnecessary stupid backstory, lots of unnecessary complications that shouldn't be complications that are hey BOOM fixed all the sudden after being dragged out unnecessarily, and plot holes all over the place as to who and who can not {and when} see him, and to top that mess off seems to want 2 series names, got it on freebie day and want my TIME BACK

''Do You Spook German?' series
(Haunted Love)
prequel Human Circle
The Heidelberg Ghost
The Shadow of His Past
Ebook PDF The Heidelberg Ghost A Sweet Paranormal Romance Haunted Love Book 1  edition by Nickie Cochran Paranormal Romance eBooks

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